Retreat planning
Are you ready to start planning a successful (AND PROFITABLE!) retreat, but not sure where to begin?
I’ve got you...
Don’t let overwhelm stop you
Let’s make it a reality
Do you ever feel this way?
Let’s do something about it
I get it, I’ve gone through all of this before.
I’ve felt stuck, I’ve felt resentful. I knew I needed to figure out how to tackle my longing for more- financially, professionally and personally.
I’m so glad I discovered retreats...
I created The Retreat Planning Toolkit to show you exactly how I’ve been creating $10k+ retreats for over a decade.
Program Overview
12 Modules. Each module includes foundational lessons on everything you need to know from the beginning stages of your planning process, all the way through to the end when you execute the dang thing!
I give you all the tools that you’ll need. Each module comes with checklists to keep you on track and LOTS of templates and samples for emails, pricing, sales copy, social media, itineraries, surveys and more.
Do it on your own time. This course is completely self-paced so that you can do it on your own time. There’s plenty to keep you on track and moving forward though so you don’t get stuck!
Optional 1:1 Sessions
You can book additional sessions with me. If you ever have questions or need help, you can always book a call with me (additional add-on) so we can strategize and you can get clarity on exactly what you need to do to move forward.
What students are saying...
“Erin’s guidance and wisdom helped me gain the confidence I needed to be able to organize my next retreat, which is already planned and sold out!"
Lisa Theis
- Panacea Retreats Client
“For the longest time I put off leading a retreat because I just didn’t know how to. I’m so glad I worked with Erin, she made the whole experience worthwhile- I learned how to do exactly what she does and I sold out my first retreat!”
Jules Mann
- Panacea Retreats Client
Everything is covered inside The Retreat Planning Roadmap
✓ Finding your venue. We’ll discuss the difference between different types of retreat centers, whether to go internationally or domestically, what’s the ideal length and size and much more!
✓ Pricing your retreat. We’ll break down exactly what hard costs to keep in mind, how to add in desired profit, how to incentivize people to sign up and how to use psychologically pleasing numbers that sell.
✓ Website Set Up. No website? No problem! I’ll show you what free platform you can use to create a retreat page, how to create your sales copy (theme) and everything that needs to go on it.
✓ Promotion & Execution. We’ll discuss marketing and promoting your retreat, preparing yourself and your students for it and what to do when you finally get there.