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Are you planning your retreat and unsure about ​how to create your theme and sales copy?

I’ve got you...

Don’t know what to put on your ​website or don’t have one at all?

You’re in the

right place!

Women doing vocal exercises during yoga session

Feeling confused?

  • Target Audience | Who is this retreat for? What are their ​pain points and how do I market to them?
  • Theme | What is the main issue I’m solving and how will I ​do it? What is the purpose behind this retreat?
  • Sales Copy | Is there a strategic way to write my sales ​copy that will attract my target audience?
  • Website | What needs to be on it and how is it laid ​out? What if I don‘t have a site?

Let’s dig in

Announcing your retreat ​without a theme or a ​purpose? Hoping to sell it out ​without knowing who it’s ​even for?

This is perhaps the most ​common way retreat leaders ​set themselves up for failure…

I created Theme & Thrive to show you how to ​get total clarity on this so you can create a killer ​sales, marketing material and website!

Program Overview

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Video ​Modules

Step-by-step tutorials. I break down into bite-sized, ​step-by-step instructions exactly how and what I do to ​get clarity on my messaging to ensure my sales page is ​enticing. We’ll also discuss how your website needs to ​be laid out and what to do if you don’t have one.



I give you all the tools that you’ll need. This mini-​course comes with checklists to keep you on track, as ​well as transcripts and key summarized points. I’ve also ​included a sales copy and website layout template.

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Do it on your own time. This course is completely self-​paced so that you can do it on your own time. There’s ​plenty to keep you on track and moving forward though ​so you don’t get stuck!

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Optional 1:1 Sessions

You can book additional sessions with me. If you ever ​have questions or need help, you can always book a call ​with me (additional add-on) so we can strategize and ​you can get clarity on exactly what you need to do to ​move forward.

What students are saying...

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“Erin’s guidance and wisdom ​helped me gain the confidence I ​needed to be able to organize ​my next retreat, which is already ​planned and sold out!"

Lisa Theis

- Panacea Retreats Client

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Shadow Tooltip Chat

“For the longest time I put off leading a ​retreat because I just didn’t know how ​to. I’m so glad I worked with Erin, she ​made the whole experience ​worthwhile- I learned how to do ​exactly what she does and I sold out ​my first retreat!”

Jules Mann

- Panacea Retreats Client

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It’s all covered in Theme & Thrive

✓ Purpose. We’ll discuss the importance of defining ​your WHY for the retreat and how you can get clear on ​your messaging for your sales page, marketing and the ​retreat itself!

✓ Ideal Clients. We’ll talk about who your ideal clients ​are, what their pain points are, how YOU can ​specifically help them and how to speak to them on ​your sales page and in your marketing.

✓ Website. You need to have a website or a sales page ​where people can get information, give information, ​sign up and pay. We’ll discuss how you can (for free) ​create a retreat page if you don’t have a site.

✓ Contract. You need to have a contract to protect ​yourself, which is usually signed when people put ​down a deposit for your retreat. We’ll go into what ​needs to be on it and why it’s important.



Video modules short video tutorials with clear, step-by-step ​instructions and guidance.

Templates for your sales copy (which is what entices people to sign ​up!) and for the layout of your site so it’s cohesive and easy to read.

Questionnaire to help you get crystal clear about who your ideal ​client is, what they need and how you can help them.

Minicourse Checklist to make sure you don’t miss a thing and ​stay on track.

Transcripts and key summarized points so you can always refer ​back to the material and make sure you’re understanding it.

Payment Options:

One-Time ​Payment


Here’s what’s inside

Module 1: Getting Started

A note about what to expect from the course, key terminology, and ​what information is needed to move forward.

Module 2: Target Audience

Start to get clarity on who exactly is the person you will be ​marketing to, what their pain points are, what they need and how ​YOU can help them.

Module 3: Theme/Purpose

We’ll use the information we have about our ideal client to create ​well-structured sales copy that will entice people to sign up.

Module 4: Website

Get clarity on what needs to be on your website/sales page. If you ​don’t have a sales page- don’t worry! I’ve got you covered!

Module 5: Contract

Let’s talk about why you need to have a contract to protect ​yourself and some important things that will go on it.

BONUS: The Retreat Navigator

This monthly planner is an added bonus for anyone planning either ​a domestic or international retreat. It will help keep you on track ​with what to do each month as you plan.

Hey I'm Erin!

I have been teaching yoga and fitness full-time for 15 years in both ​Denver and San Francisco. If you teach full-time, you know that IT IS A ​HUSTLE just to make a living, we live check to check and are barely ​scraping by.

It wasn’t until I got into leading retreats (over 10 years ago) that I finally ​had a taste of the “good life”— THIS has been my ticket to not only ​enjoying financial freedom, but to see the world and no longer feel the ​exhaustive effects of yoga teacher burn out.

As a professionally trained Travel Advisor specializing in wellness travel ​and retreat planning, I’ve learned so much about the ins and outs of it all. ​I started Panacea Retreats 3 years ago because I felt that yoga teachers ​(and anyone else whose passion has become their way of making ​money), should be IN on this. I love to see other entrepreneurs thrive ​and I’m so excited to show you how I did it.

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In case you were wondering...

Can I lead a retreat if I’m not a yoga teacher?

Absolutely! You can lead a retreat about anything that you ​want! You can lead a writer’s retreat, a cooking retreat, a ​knitting retreat- ANYTHING! Instead of teaching yoga ​classes- you’d teach about your area of expertise.

I’ve never led a retreat, is this for beginners?

This course is EXACTLY for you! I designed this so you will ​get step-by-step instruction of what to do so you don’t feel ​lost and can host a retreat like a pro!

Does this really give me everything I need to get started?

You got it! This minicourse will give you all the tools and ​information that you’l need to take this next step in your ​retreat planning journey.

What if I still need help?

That’s what I’m here for! I will reach out to you once you ​sign up and let you know how we can connect if you need ​further guidance.

*Limited Time Offer*

Get it for ​65% Off!

Reg. $77

Get it for 65% Off ​Today!

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One-Time ​Payment
